The Story of a Photographer

That private wink that I wasn't supposed to see

The gentle squeeze of a hand

When the light makes you glow

Blowing raspberries on squishy tummy's during a diaper change

Dancing in the kitchen with dirty dishes in the sink

...real life

This is what I strive to capture

The moments that you will remember because I was there

Organic, unscripted, raw, and pure

I have lived all over the south, but Atlanta, Georgia is where my heart is

I love patio nights- twinkly lights, fireflies glinting, curated playlists

I am often moved to tears when I hear the sounds of the waves hitting the beach, and the smell of the sea oats in the air

I am 39 years old - married to the love of my life, Josh, for 15 years, and have 4 precocious and beautiful children ages 3-11

I can't wait to talk to you more about capturing your life's biggest moments